Coding on your morning commute

Many find that coding on the train during their commute is an excellent way to get some extra work done. Dev Randhawa suggests it’s also a great way to earn freelance income while you travel. However, there are security risks to be aware of. Consider three common risks and the measures you can take to mitigate them.

  1. Hacking via public WiFi

This is one of the biggest risks to coding on the train, as hackers will often try to use public WiFi to connect to your device and steal your information. Fortunately, there are things you can do to reduce the risk. If possible, use a VPN when connecting to your business network. Only visit websites that offer SSL connections. Turn off sharing when connected to a public network, and keep your WiFi turned off when not in use.

  1. Breach of confidentiality

A less common but nevertheless real risk is that someone looking over your shoulder will view confidential information on your computer or mobile device. To counteract this risk, avoid working on anything sensitive when in public (if you can help it). You might also consider privacy shields, which come in a variety of models and often help prevent snoopers from see things they should not.

  1. Physical theft

This is perhaps the least likely risk, but it is one to be concerned about nonetheless. Never underestimate the damage that can be done if your laptop or other device is stolen out of your hands. Keep it within sight at all times, and use a strong password in case the worst happens.

Top Things You Might Not Know About Google Maps

Article by : Pierre Zarokian

Summary: Google Maps provides users with access to functionalities that you might not have heard of.

Most of you are already familiar with Google Maps. And, most of you probably use it to calculate the fastest route for your trip or view a panorama from the street. What you might not know is that Google Maps can let you travel in time, calculate global distances, and walk through foreign cities as if you’re actually touring the area. Here are some hidden features that you can play with the next time you’re using Google Maps.

Time Travelling Features

You’re probably already aware that Google Maps has Street View, which allows you to look around the designated area in a 360-degree panorama from the street level. Since 2007, Google has added millions of locations from across the globe.

So, you’re probably wondering how you can go about with time travelling. Well, if you search for a specific location and click on the Street View, Google Maps allows you to click on a time frame at the exact spot from year-to-year (it may not be up-to-date to the latest year). By doing this, you’ll be able to take a look at the location from back to 2007 all the way to the present time.

Measure Distances Globally

Google Maps also allows the users to measure the distance from between two points on Earth with a click of a button. Simply select Measure Distance and drop a new point on the map. Next, click on another section of the map and the distance between the two points will be calculated. You can tap on the map to add more dots. A footnote at the bottom of the map will also show you the total area and total distance in both US and Metric measurements. It’s essentially a customized map that you can edit freely at any time.

About the Author: Pierre Zarokian is a digital marketer that runs and SEO company and social media marketing company. He is a contributor and Search Engine Journal and Visibility Magazine.

The Benefits of Portable Power Supplies

Long gone are the days when you had to be glued to the wall in order to use a laptop or other electrical equipment.  Today there are many options with solar chargers and portable power supply products.  Therefore, you can easily use personal electronic devices outdoors or while on the public bus or train.

The power source creates power storage and eventually power use.  You have to have an original energy source to charge a battery pack.  Next, the portable battery pack stores energy and then you can easily use an electronic device which can also be recharged.

There are various power sources that can be used to charge up a power storage unit.  You can use AC power (a wall outlet), a 12V DC (car charger), a USB (any source: wall, car, or computer), a solar panel, kinetic motion or hydrogen fuel cell.  When far away from wall outlets or some of the other outlets like a diesel electric hybrid gpu, you have to have a pack that can be charged in a different way.

Today, solar energy packs are a great source of off-the-grid power.  Solar energy is a great choice for long trips if you need to recharge a device multiple times.  There are a few variations when it comes to solar chargers.  You can select one that only has panels (rigid or semi-flexible), panels with integrated storage batters, or panels with independent storage batteries.

When selecting a solar panel, you should pay attention to the size.  Larger solar panels can collect sunlight quicker which translates into battery power being converted quickly.  Smaller panels can take longer to charge.  Solar panels chargers can take anywhere from 4 to 16 hours to charge.  Solar panels are measured in watts.  The higher amount of watts, the more electricity is generated.

While solar energy can store battery efficiently, it’s not always best to use to charge the electronic device directly.  The reason for this is that these power sources don’t always contain the proper circuitry which helps to control the flow of electricity into the electronic device.  Sometimes these power sources can actually lead to damage of the device.  It’s a good idea to always check the manufacturer’s guidelines before using a product with a specific type of charger.

When selecting a charger, pay attention to the storage capacity, the power output and the battery technology.


Ergonomic Furniture Can Improve Operator Efficiency

Summary: Ergonomic furniture can help operators work at a more efficient rate.

Running a command center comes with its caveats. For one, you’ll have to ensure that your operators are engaged at all times – not to mention ready to handle any emergency situations. One approach you can take to help improve efficiency in your EOC building is to invest in ergonomic furniture.

Helping Posture and Increased Comfort

Ergonomic chairs are designed for those that require a more comfortable chair and can help keep their spine aligned and postured. Simple furniture pieces like these can have a direct impact on performance. For instance, if an operator is suffering from chronic back pain due to those cheap office chairs, swapping out to an ergonomic alternative can help mitigate this pain, and in turn, improve the worker’s efficiency.

Boosting Morale

A psychological factor that can impact efficiency is making your employees feel special and welcome. If they are treated fairly and given even an ergonomic piece of furniture, it can improve their productivity and they may also feel like their owner cares for them. Studies have shown that happier employees are more efficient when working on the job.

While it’s great to provide your employees with a gift or two every once in a while, be sure to consider the limitations as well. The purchase isn’t going to turn your command center into an industry-leading command center, but the gesture definitely helps. Listening and changing the environment around your employees can improve productivity and may even reduce the feeling of sluggishness and resentment.

Factors to Consider When Buying a Portable Power Supply

Generally speaking, it’s not difficult to sell most people on the benefits of a portable power supply. The versatility and convenience of various types of power supplies and generators speak for themselves. Before springing for just any old model, you need to ask yourself a few questions. Be sure to mull the following when making any auxiliary power unit purchase.

Source of Power

Firstly, you should think about where your power supply’s juice will ultimately come from. Some portable generators use gasoline while others rely on diesel fuel. Quite a few models are diesel-electric hybrids. Some units are merely compact arrays of lithium batteries that store energy generated elsewhere. A few even create their own electricity using photovoltaic panels.

Type of Current

Without a doubt one of the most important decisions you can make in regards to a portable power unit is whether it’ll deliver AC power, DC power or both. Most portable power pack models are DC-only. Larger generator-style power supplies tend to give users the option of outputting either AC or DC power on demand.

Voltage & Power Output

A power supply is only as good as its ability to meet the demands of any given job. Popular models range from 12 volt jump-starters all the way up to 28 volt power supplies that can deliver up to 2,000 peak amps. Ensure that your chosen power supply can deliver the wattage you need at the right voltages.

Intended Usage & Compatibility

In the portable power supply arena, compatibility with a variety of gear is a critical concern. Most generators and power supplies boast standard sockets that will be compatible with most tools and appliances. If you need a power supply for a specialized purpose such as jump-starting aircraft, you’ll need to pay close attention to connector compatibility.

Size and Mobility

Nowadays, external power supplies come in all shapes and sizes. Where you plan on taking a power supply will inform your decision to a great extent. Clearly, smaller power packs can be taken pretty much anywhere. Larger, high-output models must be equipped with wheels and handles to provide an acceptable level of mobility.

Something for Everybody

If you’re looking for a portable power supply, your decision won’t hinge on a single factor. You’ll need to take all of the aforementioned considerations into account when weighing the pros and cons of any given option. Fortunately, the perfect power supply unit for your purposes is out there if you do your research.

How Emergency Management Activities Are Structured

Summary: EOCs are designed to facilitate ongoing high-risk events and manage them quickly and effectively.


EOCs exist in a variety of forms – similar to that of a NOC design. There is no single organizational structure that can define an Emergency Operation Center. Each jurisdiction requires a variation of an EOC that fits the need. The key is to maximize the staff’s efforts in decision making at the lowest practical level.


An EOC needs to be organized with the intent of facilitating a smooth operation with documenting, collecting data, and making executive decisions to ensure public confidence. This is done through efficiency, organization, and flexibility.


Management Activities Structure


The organizational structure of EOCs vary based on design and community need. For instance, one of the more utilized management activities structure comes in the form of an emergency management operations group, which houses representatives from any agency that handles a specific incident for a tactical assignment such as fire, law enforcement, public works, medical services, and more. The advantage to using this model is that the organizational structure is relatively simple – straight lines of communication.


The Pros of an Emergency Management Activities Structure

Additionally, using this model, key problem solvers and representatives from participating agencies can contribute to making key decisions and allocating resources to wherever necessary. Most custom manufacturers designer will look to address what specific type of station the EOC will be before starting work on it. By doing so, the appropriate space for foot traffic and equipment can be considered when creating the entire center. This is an important task that must be considered

Top 5 Tips for NOC/SOC Collaboration

Summary: NOC and SOC teams must work in tandem to mitigate and eliminate any potential security threats.

This guide is designed to showcase how NOCs and SOCs can collaborate to improve a company’s overall efficiency.

  1. Aligning Your IT With Your Business Goals

One of the most important tasks for a company is obtaining a consolidated view of the entire IT operations data so that it aligns with one’s business goals. Now, there there are numerous executive dashboards each of them in the current market but staying true to your business goals will allow you to thrive.

  1. Security Lies in Visibility

If your IT team is unable to identify the problem, how are they going to secure it? Look for a single vendor that can provide integrated tools to solve your IT issues. It starts with a centralized approach to managing all of the important data.

  1. Log Management

With the emergence of new data management, you’ll need to analyze every single event or piece of data that comes your way to maximize security. By using comprehensive log management solutions to manage your system, you’ll enhance the overall level of efficiency.

  1. Utilize Event Correlation Tools

You’ll want to connect users with their roles, responsibilities, and access controls to maintain a balanced, well-rounded IT environment. Without any direction or organization, your IT team is less likely to secure your network.

  1. Network Tools

Every IT operation requires network monitoring tools to prevent and minimize any damage done by intruders. Utilizing certain intrusion prevention systems that integrate these tools with log management is one positive step towards efficient network security management. Be sure that the tools you’re using are capable of handling every aspect of securing your network.


How the Deployment of Video Walls in Command Centers are Increasing Productivity

Summary: Today’s command centers are utilizing video wall displays to spur competition and increase productivity.

Various organizations are finding value in deploying flexible video walls within command centers that deliver a numerous benefits. Now, by delivering a little something called real-time information across a variety of facilities, organizations are spurring competition and providing an adequate digital solution to today’s risk management industry. This information is not only driving internal competition but it’s also increasing productivity and functionality, which proves to pay huge dividends in the long run – including significant returns on investment.

Contradicting Thoughts

Video walls tend to be immediately compared to an expensive set of high-end displays that are pinned to the wall only to display information that’s dependent on the command center’s needs. However, organizations of all sizes are find out that the increased quality and technology of these screens and supporting peripherals are making video walls a must-have in today’s command center design.

In the past it would be unthinkable to allocate a large amount of capital to spend on resources to digitally display information that could easily be replicated on a chalk or dry-erase board. However, with the rapid jump in technology, organizations knew that video walls both catch the eye and automatically pull information from designated systems at a price point that people certainly couldn’t pass up on. This is where the quaint command center became a haven for advanced technological equipment – which include the high-tech video walls you are all familiar with today.

Video Walls are “Displaying” Promise

Now, video walls don’t need to be the largest in size or the latest model. Rather, a small installation can even deliver an impactful expression of what the organization is trying to portray. The future of video walls is here and is showing an immense amount of promise for all types of organizations.


The Tell Tale Signs of an Online Shopping Scam

online-shopping-scam-burglarWith the amount of identity theft today, the online shopping scene can be a scary place. There are a few ways, however, to spot an online shopping scam. Here are a few key things to be on the lookout for.

Users looking for a quick online shopping discount often mistype popular websites, which allows them to be taken to a fake shopping site. Scammers make these fake sites look exactly like their real counterparts, except that they will take your information and run up huge debts. Always double check that you are on the correct website.

Online auction sites are extremely popular for discount online shopping. Sites like Ebay protect their customers with their own insurance. Scammers will often lure shoppers off the website by sending a message claiming that the other buyer has dropped out. Once the shopper sends the money, they never receive the product. Since the transaction took place off the website, the online retailer cannot provide any assistance. Shoppers are advised to always complete transactions through the website.

Scammers will often used classified ad websites to gain personal information as well. Finding a discount online through a classified ad website such as Craigslist is a great idea. Sometimes scammers will attempt to get shoppers to send payment information or a check through email or the mail. This request is a red flag for a scam. Meet the seller in person and use cash. You will be able to see and test the product and pay without sharing any personal financial information.

Using some common sense while shopping online will help keep your information safe. If something appears to good to be true, or you feel uncomfortable with a transaction, follow you’re instincts and leave. You’re probably right.

Costbuys offers a monthly online shopping discount when you order in bulk, and get items shipped direct to you.

The Harsh Reality of Radioactive Labeling

Once commonly used, the hazards have now outweighed the benefits.

Oligonucleotides have been a major contributor in biological and forensic research for years now. Certain applications such as taking on the role of a sequence binding agent to reveal the present of a DNA sequence have provided researchers new information to work off of. In these applications, oligos are labeled for identification purposes. Some of these labels come from radioactive nuclei such as RNA triphosphates. When applied to the oligos, they can be directly added into nucleic acid probes via enzymatic methods like nick translations.

The Hazards of Radiolabeling

However, radioactive labeling does have its caveats. There are a variety of known hazards when handling any forms of radiation. In addition to this, radiolabelling requires there to be careful handling and disposing, which scientists need to closely be wary about. Although this method of labeling does have its advantages in that it provides high sensitivity for the oligo, or the modified oligo, but the expense of working with it makes it difficult to consistently utilize. Therefore, other labeling methods such as fluorescent labeling, colorimetric, and chemiluminescent have been becoming increasingly popular. In most application, radiolabelling isn’t even used anymore. But, every now and then, you’ll find that certain applications require the use of radioactive methods to achieve a breakthrough.

Labeling Requirements

In order for an oligo to be labeled, it must possess certain properties that scientists deem feasible. One of the most common ones would be that the label should be able to attach easily under mild conditions using any type of protocol – regardless of how simple or cheap it is. Another requirement is that the label can be detected at the lowest concentration, otherwise the findings would be inconclusive.


The Midland Certified Reagent Company carries all the supplies that you need to maintain the perfect oligo synthesis process. For more information, visit them online.